Friday, June 8, 2012

Ok, so here are some pictures to catch you guys up a little bit. They are out of order, but still awesome!

 Kayden and daddy fell asleep in the bounce house. Kayden DID NOT want to get out.
             So excited Captain Jack Sparrow came to his birthday party!
            First blood draw attempt
           Kayden and Emma's Birthday cake
          I think she was a little bit tired!
       With Captain Jack Sparrow

         All the girls and the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow
           Emma loved the little girl in the mirror
          YUMMY birthday cake!
           Fighting Captain Jack Sparrow
         Emmas birthday outfit! How cute is she?!
  At first, she wasn't sure what to think of the little girl in the mirror.....

    Emma loved the bounce house....... and the camera...
     The guys and Captain Jack Sparrow
              We have a walker!!!!
   Our amazing Temple Sealing day! So blessed to have been able to do that!
   The Oquirrh Mountain Temple where we got sealed as a family for all eternity!
      Kayden had such a fun day!
   The Oqquirh Mountain Temple


Ok, so I have noticed that it has been a VERY long time since I have been on here and updated ya'll... a good 5 months. A LOT has changed since then!

To start off with, I have been rocking school, straight A's and one (very sadly) C+ in pharmacology. (though I was literally 1% away from a B. Not one person in that class got an A and about half the class failed) regardless of that class, I have been doing awesome! I get to start my externship July 16th and will graduate September 12th! SO CLOSE!!!!

Kayden and Emma both had a birthday... Kayden turned 3 and Emma turned 1. I can't believe how big our babies are getting!!!! We did a Pirates and Princess them for their party, and my dad even had Captain Jack Sparrow come and surprise Kayden, and boy, was he surprised!!!! It was by far the coolest little kids party ever! (Not to be boastful or anything. ;) )

Back in March, we started looking for houses because our lease was up in June and we no longer wanted to rent an apartment, especially at the price we wanted, we knew that we could be paying a mortgage that was much less than what we renting our apartment for. So, we decided to start looking. Shortly after we started looking, we made a few phone calls and got prequalified for a home loan, so then we really started looking around. The very first house we looked at, we fell in love with. It had a nice size backyard, two car garage, and  a basement. It was not too big but not too small. We put an offer on the home, and luckily enough, we were the first ones to put an offer in, but, the house was a shortsale, so there was no guaranteeing it to be ours. We found out about a week later that someone else came in and offered more, as well as a $30k down payment on the house. So.... we continued to look for more homes. We found a few that we liked, but were just a bit out of our price range. About two weeks after we got the first phone call, we got another one saying we were back in lead, but we needed to offer just a bit more on the home and we were basically guaranteed it was ours. We were ECSTATIC!

So, after about a 2 1/2 - 3 week process of making counteroffers on the home, we finally got it! (which by the way, all of this happened in about a two month period, which I have to believe is record timing for a short sale!) We got the keys to the home about 3 1/2 - 4 weeks ago and for the first few days, all we did was clean and paint. I think I was at the house at least 6 hours a day after school working on it, but of course we had help from our awesome family! We have since moved in and are working on getting settled. We need to start getting a move on it though because in a week, we will be hosting fathers day at our house. I am super excited we finally get to host a family party!

The ONLY drawback to our home, is we are trying to find a way to keep the neighbor dogs behind us out of the yard. I know I have talked to my family about it, and maybe it's not as big of a deal as I think it is, but it still bothers me. The people behind us have no care in the world about their 3 dogs. the smallest one is a pretty small, shaggy, curly haired dog, and is borderline dreadlocks. There are two literally huge piles of feces about two feet from our fence and they were constantly getting in our yard. Well, I think it was the third day we were here working on the house and I guess the cousin to the dog owners lives right next to them, (so kiddy......however you spell it...... corner from us) came over and asked us to keep our side gate closed so that if the dogs got in our yard, they wouldn't get out of our gate and in to the neighborhood. Politely, I told her I would try my best to make sure it stayed closed if we weren't using it. Unfortunately, the dogs kept getting in to our yard, preventing kayden from playing on his playset and the owners were doing nothing about it, so, I called animal control on them. I know, I know, a lot of people say that I am already making enemies with the neighbors, bu really, I believe it to be that they are making enemies with us by not taking care of their animals.

Other than the dog situation, we are LOVING our new house!!!! Kayden loves that he has his own "park" behind his house (our backyard with the playset) and both the kids love the fact that we don't keep them corralled so as not to bother the neighbors below us!

Brian has been working a lot lately which is good and bad. Very thankful he has work to keep him busy and to keep him getting paid, but sad that he isn't home as often as he is on the winter months.

I think, this post has been long enough, I will try and get on here more often so I can do more updates so I don't forget to update ya'll on something and so my posts aren't as long as this novel I just wrote. ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Big changes!

Ok, so here I am doing our second post on the blog. Pretty proud of myself.  :)

So, since the last blog, we have had a lot of changes, good changes. On December 9th, 2011 Brian and I went to the Temple for the first time ever and took out or endowments. What an amazing experience that was. The following day, on December 10th, 2011, we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and got sealed as a family. Words can not describe how amazing that day was. I was so overflowed by emotion. Going to the temple, and getting sealed has to be the most amazing thing we have done, and I can't even begin to describe what wonderful feeling I had the whole time we were there. It is something that I will never forget! Pictures will come soon of the day so you all can see how happy we were.

I ended up having to take Emma to the doctors on Friday because she hasn't been feeling well and it turns out that she has an ear infection. It has pretty much gone away in one ear, but I think it transferring to the other ear, because now the opposite ear is bugging her. Thankfully, we have ibuprofin and and numbing drops to help her with the pain, and then an antibiotic to help it get better. She has started sleeping better night, which hopefully means it is almost gone.

After a very fun, amazing and eventful weekend, I started school on Monday. So far, I love it! The girls that are studying the same program as me are awesome, we all clicked right away and are now friends. I am so happy that I have friends to help me through the classes, it is so nice to know that I am not the only there. I can't wait to get done with the program though, I am kind of excited to start working again and helping Brian to provide for our family, especially since it will be in a field that I love, and I will actually be excited to go to work everyday. I am hoping though, that once I am done, I can get a job at the U and work with my best friend Meagan!

I have slowly started organizing the house, and I think I am almost caught up on all our laundry! If there is one thing that I hate more than anything, it is laundry, I feel like it is never ending!!! I am hoping that after I get a good job and start contributing, we will be able to by a house. I am SO done with living in apartments!

I hope you all have a GREAT Christmas, and I probably won't be back on here to update the blog until after the holidays so enjoy the time with your families and have a very merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First blog!

Hey all! This is my first blog ever, so bear with me as I learn how to make it better and cuter!

I guess I could start by updating everyone on our Family. Brian and I got married June 26th, 2010 and couldn't be happier! We had Kayden April 6th, 2009 and then we had Emma April 27th, 2011. Our kids mean the world to us, and wouldn't change a thing!

On August 17th, 2010, Brian and I took a huge step and got baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it has been a blessing ever since!  We have worked hard and learned a lot. One of our big goals after getting baptized was to be able to go through the Temple and get sealed as a family, and now we finally get to! On December 9th, 2011, we will be taking out our Endowments at the Bountiful Temple and the following day, December 10th, 2011, we will be getting sealed as a family at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. We are SO excited to be taking this huge step in our lives.

Shortly after we get sealed, on the the 12th of December, I will finally be going back to school to become a Medical Assistant. I am so excited to be able to go back to school to do something that I love. After I graduate from the program, I hope to get a good job, and then continue schooling to become a nurse. Becoming a nurse is something that I have always dreamed of doing, even since I was a little girl!

Brian works for a company called Wasatch Control doing HVAC systems. It's a great job to have, they are very flexible, and he works with great people!

As far as our kids go, Kayden is 2 1/2 and is a ball of energy! I'm not sure if we know anyone yet that can keep up with him, he wares everyone out!

Emma is 7 months old and is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet! She is very laid back and loves Kayden. She loves to watch him in action, and no matter what he does, he can always get her to laugh! she is crawling now, talking a ton, and has just gotten her first tooth!

I guess that is all for now, I will keep working on the blog to get it to look the way I want, and will try to remember to come back regularly and keep ya'll updated on our crazy, busy, but fun family!